
L-Shape furniture cover in Grey Arcylic Canvas

Custom-made L-Shape outdoor setting and coffee table covers made to customer-supplied dimensions. This one is in out standard Grey Acrylic Canvas. Our customer was very happy with them and sent this lovely email and photos:

Parcel arrived today.
Oh my goodness! I am so happy with the covers.
They are so well made & fit perfectly
Thank you so much.
I have put some photos in for you


Umbrella Recover

We can recover your aging outdoor umbrella. Make sure you bring it in before the old cover dies completely, possibly damaging the frame and making it harder for us to get measurements for the replacement.

Customer: “Could you please pass my grateful thanks to Denise for a spectacularly well done job!
Without wishing to overstate things, I am absolutely thrilled with the end result of Denise’ expertise and the care & attention paid to restoring my umbrella to a better than original state.”