Seasons’ Greetings

Is it that time of year already? Earlier this week we made a PVC Santa Hat for our 3D creative buddies at Bootleg ( While it was waiting in dispatch we figured it was a good opportunity to get a team photo and wish all of clients a safe and enjoyable Holiday Season.

Thank you for your business during 2015, we look forward to being of service in 2016.


From Left: Glen, Roop, Jeff, Wally, Sean, Denise, Santa’s Hat, Ron, Carl, Dave and Mike.

Amokura Boom Tent

This week it was our pleasure craft a boom tent for local sailor and home boat builder Geoff Clendon’s Iain Oughtred-designed Fulmar named the Amokura.

Geoff regularly sails the Amokura as far afield as Coromandel, and with summer just around the corner we wish him many happy nights aboard.

Joseph Parker boxing ring mat

We’re currently stitching together the mat to be used in the ring on the evening of the upcoming Joseph Parker – Kali Meehan bout. Standing on the mat in personal you get a real feel for the size of the ring – its much bigger than we’d imagined at approximately 7 by 5 metres.

Best of luck to Joseph and all the other local talent squaring off on the 15th of October at The Trusts Arena.

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Go New Zealand!

Sitting in the sun this afternoon after a busy day, one of our sailmakers spotted the following advert in the August 1985 edition of SeaSpray… 

SeaSpray DGS Ad Aug 1985

As a proudly New Zealand owned and operated business we’ve been cheering New Zealanders on in all sorts of endeavours for over 40 years, especially sailing.

All the very best to the All Blacks in England!