Tag Archives: Lateral Arm Awning

Contemporary Cassette Awning
Lateral arm awnings provide instant shelter from sun and rain, but have a reputation for looking a bit old fashioned.
Our European design cassette awnings look perfectly at home in contemporary settings, if you choose the right combination of colours and fabric.
On this job the client went with a modern fabric from Serge Ferrari, and colour-matched the componenty to the building. We think it looks great.

Recovered Lateral Arm Awning
Breathe new life into your tatty old lateral arm awning by recovering it.

Lateral Arm Awning Reskin
Before and After.

Horizon Monobloc Lateral Arm Awning

Integral Cassette Awning

Lateral Arm Awning Recover
Make you tired old awning look a million dollars again by getting the fabric skin replaced!

Lateral Arm Awning
Ellipse Monobloc lateral arm awning in Docril acrylic canvas.

Recover Retractable Awnings
Recovering a retractable awning can make it good as new. Choosing a modern colour and pattern can even make it look cool again! The canvas on these awnings was well and truly thread-bare and more than a few seasons out of fashion. A quick recover and they look good as new.