Tag Archives: Ferrari

Waterproof PVC Workspace Shelter

Waterproof PVC Sail over driveway
Precision made to the millimetre using our end-to-end digital systems for measurement, design and manufacture.

Recover Fixed Frame Awing in Ferrari
Looks good as new. Ferrari Proof 502 is one of our favorite PVCs for tensioned outdoor structures. A great range of colours can be found here : Ferrari Proof 502

Waterproof car park shade sail

Waterproof deck cover

Waterproof sail on Ferry

Tantalus Shade Sail
Waterproof Ferrari 502 shade sail for Tantalus vineyard

Oztech on a Hill

Cellar Door – Waterproof Shade Sails
Manufactured and installed at one of our favourite clients in less than 3 weeks from go-to-whoa. Go enjoy a tasting under them at The Hunting Lodge, Waimauku.
3 large overlapping shade sails covering an outside area that follows a turn in the building. All made from Ferrari 502 – the Gold-Standard in structural and architectural PVC.